Aug 5, 2007


Just returned this Sat from Meritus Mandarin Hotel. If you have read the news this week, the annual ACDFIM was held in SG. It's basically some meeting involving all the ASEAN Chiefs of Defence. Mandarin happened to be the place where they spend their 5 days in SG. My job there, together with the rest of army personnel, was to ensure the smooth transportation of our VIPs and to account for every chauffeur involved in this event.

Mandarin is a 5 star hotel and I was privileged to be able to "stay-in" due to the duration of the event. The hotel room is spacious enough, considering the fact that 6 pple have to sleep in one bunk... I mean one room. The toilet is nice, with one nice bathtub, one toilet bowl and ..... one more toilet bowl for you to wash your ass after clearing your BIG business...

Our work area is at the first floor near the "Chatterbox" restaurant. From this area, it is easier for us to monitor our vehicles moving in and out from the carpark and main driveway. And of course, this area is also the best place for tourists to loiter about. Throughout the entire week, tourists from many countries have "patronized" our desk to query about many things as follows:

Most Frequently asked Questions
1) Where is the nearest toilet/ restroom/ bathroom?
2) Where can I check/ book in?
3) Where can I find the money changer?
4) Where can I find this place?
5) I would like to book a taxi/ bus, can I do it here?
6) How do I get out from this hotel? (asked once)
Yes, no.6 was asked once.... don't be surprised...

Of course, I would have gladly assist these tourists, but the most annoying thing is, they tend to appear when we were at our busiest moment. At one point of time, I have to handle 2 walkie talkies that kept comm-ing back, 1 telephone that kept ringing, 1 officer who kept asking about his vehicle and tourists that kept asking where the goddamn toilet is!!!! And speaking of the toilet, it is just opposite our desk, well hidden behind a door, which is also well concealed in that you have to push to realize that there is a door there..... There is no sign to direct pple to the toilet, and no hotel personnel at my area to assist the tourists. One more complain, the staff canteen food is slightly ranked lower than the SAF cookhouse food, you know what I mean.... 5 star huh?

Anyway despite all of the above, I was actually glad that I have participated in this event, I have learnt and gained a lot of experience while carrying out my job scope. This is definitely one experience I will never forget.

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