Aug 9, 2007

To My Beloved SG...

HAPPY NATIONAL DAY SG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So happy for you man!! Old liao lah you, don't keep saying you are a young nation la. Ok la, there are alot of old pple out there older than you I know. Those pple you showed to SG citizens still working past their retirement age right? All working with a smile on their faces, saying "Happy Bdae SG!!" So niceeee.... Ehhh... wait. How come you never show those old pple working as cleaners in the hawker centres ah? Issit because they never smile and kept frowning? Why aren't they smiling ah? Pay too low? Wkend still must work? You wanted them to continue working right?? Right????

And ya... you sure are popular dude!! Look at all the local TV channels!!! ALL OF THEM ARE BROADCASTING YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Every channel you click is your show!!!! Even the commercials are the same for every channel!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm impressed with the way everyone in SG having NO CHOICE but to watch your NDP for 2 half hrs!!

Congrats to you SG, I thank you for accomodating me in your very little island over the past yrs.

And yes, I know you are a very small island which rises up very quickly to achieve your present status. Pls for-god-sake don't repeat this statement every year like an old man.

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