Aug 30, 2007

GAT-X105 Strike Gundam + I.W.S.P

Been quite some time since my last post. Busy doing up my model kit. Would have completed it earlier but these few days have been raining and humid, not suitable for airbrushing. Anyway, the kit is finally completed and I really really wish to share it here.

Yes dudes, it's Strike from Gundam Seed. Changed the colour scheme a bit but you know from this trademark pose that it is the one and only Strike.
This is one kit that I wanna recommend to all Gundam hobbyists. The body proportions are done perfectly. Articulation is superb. Only a lack of posture imagination on your part can ruin this kit, slightly. I am now reconsidering my decision to get the Aile Strike kit.

Comparing with the previous mobile suits that I have done, this model is the first kit that I have the greatest satisfaction with. First, the colour scheme is one that I have always wanted to paint. The end result is great. Second, I have succeeded in modding the head to a one piece part rather than the former 2 piece part (well, as an amateur, head modding is tough man) . Third,
I can't see any flaws at all!! (they are all well hidden WAHAHAHAHA)

As I have said before, only a lack of imagination in posing the kit will ruin it. Think I need to call in Rayd to help me with this!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done dude, i tink this piece is definitely a milestone in your model kit building career and i look forward to seeing more of your works in the future.

With regards to pose, this guy can do it rather well and his customs are worth taking a note of.