May 14, 2007

F1 Coming to SG!!!

Singapore finally fulfils its dream to host the F1 World Championship!!! Details of the report can be found in SG's very own official F1 website.

It has taken many many years (10+ yrs) for SG to get this precious license. In case some of you guys didn't already know, SG had a Grand Prix during the late 60s to 70s before street racing was banned due to "worries that drivers might street race all over SG and cause accidents". I wonder whether hosting F1 racing now will result in us literally playing Need for Speed on the roads..

Lunch at Mac yesterday with Rayd and KKJ had us discussing about this upcoming hype. We were also quite worried about the effects the F1 is gonna have on us:

Rayd: Overtaking and cutting 3 cars in quick succession with his trusty 10+ yr old Nissan "Super Saloon".
KKJ: E-braking his vehicle in an attempt to shake off a tailgating competitor (with his best friend MJ as his vehicle commander).
Me: Getting high in driving at night... (not discussed yesterday, just adding in)

Another radical idea was to use the F1 track and have a gold-kart racing! Sounds fun? 5kms of gold-karting sounds exciting. The thought of sabotaging pple's karts by blazing their fuel tanks and dropping tyre puncturing spikes seems kool too!!!

Seems like Malaysia also wanna host night racing too next year. Kiasu? Whatever SG does, M wanna follow as well. Mr M, pls have some creativity..


Anonymous said...

Rayd: Oh am i the first to leave comments? Anyway it is my first time leaving a comment on a blog as well .. Oh we are so virgin ... Oh i think you missed out the story brought out yesterday regarding the 2 frens of 10 yrs ... Thought provoking one ... Nonetheless I like ur first post which clearly highlights ur objective for this blog thing ... awfully frank ... love it lots ...

Kenny T said...

Singapore's first F1 race promises to be an exciting night race. And there are cheers from every corney of the city-state. Everywhere I turn, everyone's excited about the news...

Hold on... I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but there's no point to zoom into conclusion that it is a success from a sporting standpoint because safety remains an issue with night racing. I don't want to see my favorite driver lose his life just for a night spectacle.

It's difficult enough to keep up with the 22 drivers on a racing track in mid day... let alone with floodlights? Two-time world champion, Fernando Alonso, didn't believe floodlights will ever be enough to make night racing safe, so why isn't anybody listening? Must we have another Ayrton Senna-style death before we put safety back into the priority instead of looking for a novel way to make money?

Get excited with the prospect of the first Singapore GP, but I mourn the arrival of night racing, as an F1 purist and enthusiast.

And by the way, it's Singapore that's kiasu. If not, then why follow Malaysia to host an F1 race when you've been so adamant in the past 20 years that an F1 GP will corrupt the driving ethics of Singaporeans? So, stop thinking of yourself as high and mighty, because you will run out of space for your ego. F1 GP (Yippie?)

Anonymous said...

Shallow take by Kennyt, Singapore's decision to have an F1 race is not following Malaysia. Its all about the money. Where there is money to be made we will be there... sooner or later. Furthermore Msia is not the first country to hold an F1 BUT Sg is goin to be the FIRST to hold a night race... hence the kiasu comparison.

To have a night race is something new and refreshing to the F1 scene. If racers are afraid of losing their lives they should be staying at home instead of driving at high speeds.

Everyone is concern about safety and more so for the Sg govt. They cant afford to have cars putting a dent into their landscape esp the central business district where the race is gonna be held. If a night race has been decided, what we should do is jus sit back, relax and let the pros do their safety n driving. Judgements can be made after the race.

keng said...

Thanks for ur comments Rayd.

We r all virgins in one way or another.....

And thanks for reading kenny t, I'm not a F1 enthusiant, but I can understand what you are trying to say. Night racing is very dangerous, and especially so when no country has done it before. The govt, in proposing night racing as the main draw, is already prepared to bear the responsibility for the safety of the F1 drivers and the public. Anyway, the deal has been made, and I'm sure every aspect of the event is taken care of.

In your blog and here, you voiced your concerns on the F1 drivers safety and mentioned that hosting the F1 event here is just for economic purposes and not for the love of sports. I totally agree with you on this. This is SG, afterall.. $$$ towers over everything... we need the $$$ to feed our elites...

Lastly, I'm not high and mighty. The blog title is just words to attract others to come "look over here!!"

I got your attention, didnt I =)?

Kenny T said...

I didn't mean to be rude. But I just felt that there's an unjustified amount of cheer for a novel idea (night F1 racing), that's so untested... and its limited appeal to actual F1 fans, might make the very serious sport seem like a farce in the hunt for money.

As for Kai comments on the drivers staying home if they can't take risks - these racing drivers are not suicide drivers. They are professional sportmen, no matter how you look at it... and of course, everyone in sports takes a calculated risk. It's usually about winning and losing... but not about dying or staying alive.

I am very excited about seeing F1 in Singapore, just not very keen on a night race...